NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Pocono Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, will consider for adoption at a Public Hearing to be held at 6:00 p.m. on the 5th day of June, 2023, at the Pocono Township Municipal Building, 112 Township Drive, Tannersville, Pennsylvania 18372, an Ordinance amending the Pocono Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter 470, Zoning, Article III, Zoning Map and Zoning Districts, to change the zoning district classification of the parcels of land identified as Tax ID Nos. 12.116701, 12.116702, 12.116703, 12.116704, 12.116705, and 12.116706 from Commercial (C) to Low Density Residential (R-1); and to change the zoning classification of Tax ID No. 12.94172 from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Commercial (C); and to revise the Official Zoning Map to reflect the zoning district changes.
Copies of the proposed Ordinance are available for review at the Pocono Township Municipal Building located at 112 Township Drive, Tannersville, Pennsylvania during normal business hours.
Leo V. DeVito, Jr., Solicitor
Pocono Township
38 West Market Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018