112 Township Drive, Tannersville, Pa. 18372
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Heinzee Zoning Hearing (Part 2)

Event Details

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING in relation to the application of Heinzee, LLC:
TAKE NOTICE that the Pocono Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public
hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, beginning at 5:00 P.M., at the Pocono
Township Municipal Building, 112 Township Drive, Tannersville, Pennsylvania
18372. The purpose of the hearing is to consider the appeal of Heinzee, LLC,
from an Enforcement Notice issued by the Pocono Township Zoning Officer on
May 9, 2022. The Notice alleges that the Appellant violated the following three
sections of the Pocono Township Zoning Ordinance: (1) Section 470-121 by
establishing an outdoor recreation/entertainment use on the property without
obtaining a zoning permit for this new or changed use; (2) Section 470-17 for
establishing an outdoor recreation/entertainment use in the R1 zoning district
when such is prohibited within the R1; and (3) Section 470-122 by establishing
an outdoor recreation/entertainment use without first obtaining a certificate of
use and occupancy.
The appeal relates to Appellant’s property at 2282 Route 314 (Parcel No. located in the residential (R1) zoning district in Pocono Township.
The complete application is available for inspection (without charge) or copying
(for a charge not exceeding actual copying costs) at the Township’s office at the
address listed above during regular business hours. Anyone may attend the
hearing and those who are affected and have legal standing may participate in
the proceedings. If you require any special accommodations to attend or
participate, or if you wish to attend or participate remotely, please contact the
Township at (570) 629-1922 at least one day in advance.