The Township Zoning Ordinance regulates the use, intensity of use, size and location of buildings and other structures, as well as establishing regulations for land use by trade industry, recreation and public activities (this is the WHERE). The Township has also adopted the Uniform Construction Code. This ordinance ensures that all construction is subject to codes such as the International Building Code and the International Residential Code (this is the HOW). Pocono Township has contracted with SFM Consulting, LLC. for building code inspections.
Pocono Township’s Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) establishes rules, regulations and standards governing the subdivision, development and alteration of land within our Township. It sets forth the procedures to be followed by the Township Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the Board of Commissioners for approval
2018 International Residential Code
2018 International Building Code
If you are remodeling your home, check with the Township for permits or code requirements.
(570) 629-1922 x 1218
By appointment only